Mental Health Intentions for 2020


As 2019 comes to a close I’d like to draw your attention to the topic of mental health. I know there has been an overwhelming amount of people who have been touched by suicide in these last couple of months. (Or you know someone who has.) Mental health goals are just as important as physical or career or love goals. Professionals like therapists and healers can help you frame these goals if you are struggling. There is no shame in seeking help for mental health, whether you’re in crisis or just need a check-in. It’s too important to not have it as a priority. 

Here are some journal prompts to help you with your 2020 Mental Health Intentions:

1. How would you describe your mental health lately? 

2. Do you know your red flags for mental health decline? And on the flip side, do you know your green flags for improvement? 

3. Do you have tools for both self care AND community care? (They are very different.)

4. What is your support system like? Do you have plans in place with them for mental health intervention? 

5. Are you seeking professional help when needed? Do you know where to seek it? 

Keep talking. Keep bringing awareness to mental health. Make space in your life to have your own mental health as a priority, and help your loved ones do the same.


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